At Obeid Solicitors, we are committed to delivering exceptional legal services and maintaining the highest professional standards. However, we understand that there may be instances where our clients or others feel dissatisfied with the service, conduct, or fees provided by our firm. We view such feedback as an opportunity to enhance our services and ensure continuous improvement.

Our complaints policy is designed to provide a clear and transparent process for addressing any concerns you may have. We are committed to handling complaints promptly, fairly, and in accordance with the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (SRA) Code of Conduct and other applicable regulations.

We take all complaints seriously and aim to resolve them through constructive communication and thorough investigation. Where resolution is not achieved to your satisfaction, we will guide you on how to escalate your concerns to external bodies such as the Legal Ombudsman or the SRA.

To access our full complaints policy, which outlines how to raise a complaint, the steps we take to address your concerns, and your rights to escalate the matter if necessary, please click the link below.

We value your feedback and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns.

Thank you for taking the time to review our website. We hope you found everything you were looking for. However if you didn’t, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or phone, whichever is most convenient.

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